Dear Forest Phantoms members
From now on, all members can register for all planned Airsoft events on our website. You will even be able to see all other members participating.
If you’re not that good at tech, follow the step by step guide below on how to register for an event. If you have any questions you can ask your question in the comments below this post and we will help.
From now on, we will register all participating members, 7 days before the skirm takes place. If you have to cancel make sure that you UNregister before that time. Otherwise we will expect you to turn up on the day of the skirm. Any fees for not attending are for you. (see below for more info)
To register for an event:
- Make sure that you are logged in (The event page will only display for members.)
- Go to the event-page on our website.
- Scroll down to the register button.
- Hit the register button.
- Fill out the fields (correctly!) and press send.
- You are now registered!
Make sure you fill out the form correctly:
- Your Full name: Jan Janssens
- Your FP number: FP99
- Your email
- Your role: Assault, Sniper, Medic, Support Gunner
To UNregister:
- Make sure that you are logged in (The event page will only display for members.)
- Go to the event-page on our website.
- Scroll down to the register button.
- Hit the unregister link, next to the register button.
- confirm your email that was used to register and press “send”.
- Go to the mail on your email and verify it by clicking the link. (This step is necessary!)
- You are now unregistered.
* Lastly, we will also be able to track member attendance during the year. And… There will be a price for the FP-member with the highest attendance every year. This year, we plan so have a brand new TM-Handgun as price!*
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