Author Archives: FP01
Darkness called. We answered… in full HD
FP Website Tutorial
Hey guys, as per request, attached a tutorial about our website. This shows most of the functions and applications that you can use. If you have any other feature requests, let me know! Website Tutorial:
New Camo: Multicam + OD Green
Thank you all for voting! In total 25 votes where cast. A large majority of you have voted for the Multicam + OD green combinations: As such, we will now pick this up a the new team colors! To be … Continue reading
Poll: New Camo Pattern
Hi All, As you know, ATACS FG will no longer be produced by Warrior and many other brands. This means that it will effectively no longer be possible to purchase gear with this camo in the near future. Because we … Continue reading
Corona virus measures
Hey guys, As you likely know, unless you have been living under a rock or without internet access, the COVID-19 virus has hit our shores. Because of this, most airsoft games have been cancelled. We don’t want to risk any … Continue reading
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